
Magical Mystery Tour


A month of live performances in diverse venues ranging from Westminster Abbey to the top of The Shard. I will also be hosting live events in Liverpool and London. Tricked series 3 starts to…

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Incredible Istanbul


The production of ‘Tricked’ Series 3 has now finished and is in the edit. I’ll have more details about when it’s on UK TV soon. A week of performing in Istanbul was fantastic but…

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Ibiza Rocks


Sorry for the lack of new posts recently. I’ve been busy finishing production on ‘Tricked’, filming in the UK and a week in Ibiza. Also consulting for some online projects and a VT for…

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Could It Be Magic?


Filming is well underway at ITV, the new series is due to air later this year (September/October). So more news on that and other online projects I’m currently working on soon. Live performances this…

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Sent to the Tower


Along with some live performances at corporate and private events, I’m back at ITV. Working on a new show which has pretty much filled the diary for February. More news on what I’m up to…

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Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! A few performances at belated Christmas events start off the year in London and a live show in Lisbon, along with writing two new TV projects and overseas corporate events. More…

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Catalan Christmas


Live performances in December are a busy mix of private and corporate events. Shows are all across the UK and an event in Barcelona. I’ve also been consulting on the charity TV show ‘Text…

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Vancouver Magic


Filming has finished on ‘Tricked – More Favourite Tricks’ a new episode where viewers have chosen their favourite tricks from series 2, along with some new effects too. It will air on ITV2 on Monday…

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Trending Tricked


Tricked series 2 has started. It’s been trending number one in the UK on Twitter, with nothing but positive feedback. It’s attracting more viewers than series one and has achieved the highest viewing figures…

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Time for ‘Tricked’


‘Tricked’ series 2 will air on ITV2 every Tuesday from September 23rd for six weeks. So make sure you’re watching! If you haven’t seen it already, here’s a link to the teaser trailer. I hope you…

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